FuelGems Inc. is backed by Sputnik ATX, a venture capital fund

Dr. Oksana Malysheva
Once part of the strategic teams of McKinsey and Motorola. Dr. Malysheva holds a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in physics as well as a B.S. and M.S. in physics from the Moscow Institute of Technology.
Joe Merrill
Joe has over $3 billion of transaction experience in venture investing. He has also founded and exited two start-ups, Pan Am Education and Smart FundEd.
Institutional and Angel Investors from:
What Our Investors Think
Alan Welsh
Angel Investor
David Getoff
Certified clinical nutritionist & traditional Naturopath.
Volodymyr Khmurych
Angel Investor
Miriam Benard
Angel Investor
Product is showing exceptional growth
Total prospective clients (B2B and B2C)
Fuel market $3.5 trillion
Nanotechnology companies raised $4.3 billion over 715 funding rounds
The increase in total funding
Nanoparticle market is red hot
Nanoparticles will be used in products that represent over $2 trillion in the global economy
Fuel additives were involved in 120 deals with deal value over $200 billion